Tag: livelihood

Why Sam Altman made me think of a woman in a village in UP, India

Sam Altman, the new tech visionary, recently claimed that billion-dollar "unicorn" companies could be built with just 10, or even 1 person in the future. Advancements in automation, AI, and software development tools are making it easier for individuals to achieve what once required larger teams. One programmer with the right skills and [...]
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Self Employed Women’s Association

What is the story of SEWA? SEWA began as groups of urban poor — marginalized, disempowered, migrant cartloaders, vendors, rag pickers — who came together to ensure basic dignity of work and labor for themselves. It started in 1971 as a wing within TLA (Textile Labour Association), the then powerful [...]
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Women Entrepreneurs: Housewives rise

My apartment complex, of about 700 households, is a vibrant centre of commerce. At any point in time there are raw materials being procured, goods being produced, and transactions being completed. All in the intimacy of homes and the neighbourhood. An app that enabled people to buy and sell meals within [...]
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India’s demographic tightrope: Education’s link to livelihoods

Source: National Sample Survey 2014, https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/still-too-many-children-out-of-school/article24857149.ece We were in the villages and towns of Uttar Pradesh, chatting with groups of women and youth primarily from low income households. They shared their life concerns and access to a regular source of livelihood appeared to be their biggest worry. The men found it [...]
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